Sunday, June 6, 2010

Garden pictures

These are the potatoes. Potatoes were an experiment, and so far so good. Next year I will have to plant them more in the back because they grow so big they take away sunlight from the other plants.
Most of the garden. We have another section of our backyard that we are dedicating to the pumpkins. But some mole or something dug up the giant pumpkins that we planted. So this next weekend we have to plant again. We have pumpkins growing up in a random spot where we threw all the dead pumpkin plants at the end of last year. And they are growing really well. So I think I will leave them.
The plant in the front is squash, and a little plant behind it is the little strawberry plant. It was behind the potatoes, but it was dying so I moved it and it is coming back to life.
The spikey plants are the artichokes. They look good. No fruit or blossoms yet. This is another experiment. We have no idea what we're doing, or what it will look like. But so far so good.

Lettuce, carrots, and amongst the carrots is lettuce from last year. Makes for a delicious salad. Just had another one for dinner. I'm hoping this garden will help me to lose some post-nursing weight:)

1 comment:

  1. My friend has artichokes. I saw the plants for the first time this spring (things grow earlier here). THEY ARE

    The plants are like bushes. They come back every year for her and get better every year. They are ginormous. Just so ya know.

    She had these plants for 3 years now, the first year not so good, but this year was a rainier year and they produced a lot of artichokes. Good luck!
