I decided that since I had a few days off of teaching piano that I needed to do something fun with the kids since we aren't really having a vacation this year. It just so happened that my grandparents and some cousins and some aunts and uncles were going to be at the beach in Southern California (like they are every year, for who knows how many years.) So I packed up the car and said goodbye to my husband who had to stay home to work, and drove the kids 10 hours all by myself.
It was only supposed to be 7 1/2 hours, but LA traffic was horrendous. I was about ready to scream at this point! We got there Saturday night and set up camp, I had never set a tent up by myself before, so that was exciting. I actually had my 12 year old 1st cousin once removed (my cousin's kid) telling me how to do it:)
It was a fun trip (kind of hard at times with a not even 2 year old), and we definitely missed Joel. I'm pretty sure I will not be camping husbandless for quite a while again. We spent three days on the beach, and we spent our nights next to campfires, and playing games. My kids all had fun meeting and playing with 2nd cousins and 1st cousins once removed :)
Glad to be home in my nice soft bed!